Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Princess Mia and JBiebz went to MY middle school!

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Before the alums of the Hamlin School for Girls head off to college, there is a reunion and a list of the prestigious universities they are all heading off to is recorded, officially printed, and sent off to all those connected to the K-8 prep school. I hadn't been back to my middle school during all my years of high school--honestly, the all girls environment still gives me frightening chills--but I could never deny the beauty of the Baroque styled converted mansion. I chose my outfit in homage to the prep, school girl character of my elementary school--this probably explains to all of you the source of my preppy, quite non West Coast-y style despite living in San Francisco all my life. I actually grew up in PacHeights [Pause for Sigh of Understanding] My friends and fellow alums, however, did not think that I fit in perfectly with the decor of the school but rather claimed that I looked like I walked out of a Urban Outfitters Catalogue. Hmm...preppy with an urban twist? I'll take it.

Outfit: Skirt: Borrowed & Urban, Shirt: Borrowed & H&M, Belt: Thrifted, Shoes: Steve Madden, Socks: AA

Look at how sharp those uniforms look? Yea, K-8 Uniform, those babies 5-8.

PS. My elementary school has been visited by a couple celebs. In the Proactive commercial below, my beloved Jbiebz plays bball on the roof, which is the same court visited by Mia in Princess Diaries. HELL YEAAA


  1. charming smile x


  2. You look adorable! I see the urban reference.
    Moi Après Coco

  3. I love your socks and your shoes! They bring the outfit to the next level.
    Those uniforms are far better than mine, I had a horrible stiff plaid jumper for high school, absolutely horrid.

  4. you look really cute!
    I like your outfit :)

  5. HAHA Biebs, no way thats hilarious!!
    You look gorgeous sweets!! Lovely smile!! xo

