Sunday, July 22, 2012

California One

Sorry I've been away recently. I started working with a personal trainer recently so I've been going to the gym more regularly which takes away from my blogging time when I'm not working. Working out has been a bit of a struggle. First of all, I have discovered that I'm extremely weak. Like disgustingly weak, so working with weights has been quite the struggle. Also, I have discovered a am completely out of shape and my fears about being fat have been confirmed. I am fatter, weaker, overall inferior to the "average" healthy person my trainer keeps comparing me to. 
Besides working out, something else has been taking me away from my computer: driving. This summer my major summer goal was learning how to drive. I had gotten to an age where not knowing to drive wasn't just lazy, but simply embarrassing. Therefore, after and before work and the gym I would force my dad to go driving with me to get ready for my driving test. I think he enjoyed our time together, despite having to be in a car in an urban environment with a new driver. It probably was also the first quality time we had spent together for years now. Ultimately all that time paid off because I successfully got my license this past week! I took it in Daly City right across from Krispy Kreme (which is far superior to Dunkin Donuts to all of my East Coast readers). Unfortunately for me, because I am now working with my personal trainer, he put me on a no carb diet so despite having passed I couldn't celebrate with a donut. I told my brother that if I had failed I would have demanded a donut or five to make myself feel better. I'll discuss with you later my difficulties and struggles with this impossible diet. 
These pictures were taken on one of my drives this week. We're practicing the freeway since we didn't cover that before we got my license. I think he was too scared to bring me on the freeway until I was licensed. We drove down tot half moon bay on the freeway and on highway 1, the beautiful and windy highway on the coast of CA. He was like freaking out because I was going kind of fast on Devils Slide. Whatever. We made it all the way there and it was beautiful. All I wanted to do is get my bathing suit out and play in the beach. Unfortunately, I had work in the afternoon so we headed back to the city. But I NEED to get back to the beach. Who wants to go with me??
Take a long drive with me
on California One, on California One.
And the road a-winding goes
from golden gate to roaring cliff-side,
and the light is softly low
as our hearts become sweetly untied
beneath the sun of California One.


  1. cute look!

  2. great look!love it!

  3. that last photo is so gorgeous! which beach is that?

  4. i love the combination of these colours!
    cute necklace!

  5. Love ur skirt :D

  6. Cute sandals!

  7. You look lovely!
    Just found your blog(:

    Mind taking a peek at my lifestyle blog True Blue Abbi and publicly following if you like it?

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae

  8. You look beautiful and this looks great on you :)
    Very nice pics!

  9. gorgeous! I just love your necklace!

    lots of love from the c&p girls,

  10. Love this skirt and top combo. And the setting is gorgeous!

  11. Beautiful look!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

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