Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waking Up to Life Sometimes Feels Worse

Honestly I'm just obsessed with covers. Can be you believe this is an R Kelly song? I like this version infinitely more.


Monday, October 4, 2010

A Date with Colgate: Prep it up

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Spotted poking her head into my friends dorm in Curtis.

I absolutely adore Emily's outfit. In reality, it's super basic but the accessories create this old-school preppy vibe that I (clearly) adore. My personally favorite aspect of the outfit: the bag. Hard case, snake like pattern, cold clasp, super cute.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No, I'm Not Going Swimming

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It's been rather gloomy here in central NY. So when the sun comes out to play--even the slightest bit, I'm quick to grab my dearest summer clothes. I mean, really, in a mere month (or even less) I wouldn't dream of pretending it was still summer and these babies will be retired until at least late March. My heart just stopped for a second with that sad realization.
I just started taking pictures around campus, and it's funny how different people react. My newest project is taking some street style pics, or I guess in this guess Campus style pics. Soooo watch out for that.
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Outfit- Sailor Style Swimsuit: Thrifted, Skirt: AA, Shoes: Ralph Lauren, Bag: Found Binocular Case
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Picture Cred: Tanya Zakowich
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Follow These Colored Shadows

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Little Sketch of...Late Afternoon

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A sketch I did of Liz from Late Afternoon

Late Afternoon is this amazing blog written by Liz Cherkasova. Like me, Liz hails from San Francisco (although unfortunately for me, she can say she's currently experiencing the wonders of the city, while I'm off in college in a far distant land called central NY). I especially love Liz's blog because she's bring a level of attainable professionalism into it. How did she attain this professionalism? Besides Liz's undoubtable innate sense of style and beauty, she is a model (perhaps you've seen her donning some clothing while you peruse through the NastyGal site) and she works for Chictopia (a site that brings us regular fashion lovers into one happy community--to me it seems like a less intimidating version of So that explains Liz's amazing outfit choices and amazing poses that my awkward self has yet to conquer. But another element that makes Late Afternoon one of my favorite blogs to visit is the photographs. They're always beautiful taken, with Liz taking a perfect pose or even candide stance. And the best part is that she makes a point to be out in the street, the real setting of fashion, with the lighting perfectly captured by her photographer boyfriend. Oh! How I wish I could take my Daily Photo pics like Liz! And it's all rather attainable, because, like I said she's out there in the streets and usually has an element that I can afford, often hitting up stores like H&M, Zara or thriftown. Wow! I almost forgot to mention one last amazing part of Late Afternoon: her hair. She's got those bangs under control in such a way that I can only envy, and she's always ready to try out a new hairdo I wouldn't even think of attempting. In total? I love me some Late Afternoon in the afternoon.

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Why did you start blogging?
I really needed an outlet for my creativity while in my last year of college.

What are some of the perks of blogging?
The friends I have made and the wonderful people I have met are the best perks of blogging

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What do you think is the importance of bloggers today?
Bloggers are breaking down the barriers that have become so commonplace in fashion. Fashion is no longer inaccessible and elitist. Now anyone can participate and enjoy fashion. Bloggers are also replacing models and celebrities as style icons and giving people more relateble style role models.

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As a selfish question (being a San Franciscan), do you have any favorite spots you want to share with us? Fav thing to do in the city, fav store, fav place to go, best kept secret, best food etc?
This is a pretty big question! There is so much to do and see in SF it's hard to pick any one place in particular.
Some of my favorite places to shop are Idol Vintage, Painted Bird and Thriftown. My favorite places to eat are Chutney for Indian food, Cocobang for Korean, El Sol for Mexican, Cako for cupcakes, Scalas for Italian and Katanaya for ramen and sushi. I am always looking for new places to eat so this list is just for the time being. I am a big dive bar aficionado so the Owl Tree, the Hemlock, Casanova and the Elbow room are my current favorites.
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Besides fashion, what are you interested in?
I have a passion for social psychology, art, existential literature and living my life :)

Any other words of wisdom you’d like to offer?
Confidence is style, always be your self and never take any one thing too seriously.

And to finish it off… If your shadow had a color, what color would it be?
Mint green!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Princess Mia and JBiebz went to MY middle school!

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Before the alums of the Hamlin School for Girls head off to college, there is a reunion and a list of the prestigious universities they are all heading off to is recorded, officially printed, and sent off to all those connected to the K-8 prep school. I hadn't been back to my middle school during all my years of high school--honestly, the all girls environment still gives me frightening chills--but I could never deny the beauty of the Baroque styled converted mansion. I chose my outfit in homage to the prep, school girl character of my elementary school--this probably explains to all of you the source of my preppy, quite non West Coast-y style despite living in San Francisco all my life. I actually grew up in PacHeights [Pause for Sigh of Understanding] My friends and fellow alums, however, did not think that I fit in perfectly with the decor of the school but rather claimed that I looked like I walked out of a Urban Outfitters Catalogue. Hmm...preppy with an urban twist? I'll take it.

Outfit: Skirt: Borrowed & Urban, Shirt: Borrowed & H&M, Belt: Thrifted, Shoes: Steve Madden, Socks: AA

Look at how sharp those uniforms look? Yea, K-8 Uniform, those babies 5-8.

PS. My elementary school has been visited by a couple celebs. In the Proactive commercial below, my beloved Jbiebz plays bball on the roof, which is the same court visited by Mia in Princess Diaries. HELL YEAAA

Monday, September 20, 2010

Keep Calm and Carry On

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I have this poster above my bed in my dorm room. Keep Calm and Carry On. I think it was a message during WWI to the English people. You know, trying to tell those poor Englishmen that, yes, although that might be a bomb and, yes, those very well could be fighter planes flying up above, above their homes, although they were in the middle of war, they should Keep Calm and Carry On. I mean, honestly, what were they freaking out about? So when I walk into my dorm room, no matter how much homework I have or how much drama will brew in my year ahead, if the English could do it in WWI, I too can Keep Calm and Carry On.
This poster also reminds me of one of my favorite tea spots in San Francisco (ok, it's actually my fouth favorite high-tea spot in SF) Crown and Crumpet. They have a bunch of these signs and it's honestly an ADORABLE spot. It's really bright and cutesy and they have some AMAZING tea. It's a little steep for me which is why I still prefer Lovejoys (where I get more bang for my buck), but nonetheless it's still an amazing place to go. Sooo if you still happen to be in the city and love yourself some tea (or hot cocoa) go check this place out. I'm quite envious, I haven't had any tea since I got to college, let alone high tea with scones and crumpets!
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Outfit: Dress: Stolen and Shortened from Mom's closet, Belt: Coach, Oxford Heels: F21, Sweater: Bloomies

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

So I'm leaving for New York on Tuesday. No, this is not my last trip of the summer but I'm MOVING TO COLLEGE! Holy crap, super exciting/worrisome/nerve-racking/amazing/everything else you could possibly think of. To prepare for my departure, I have not shopped for any of my dorm materials. And no, I have not shopped for the necessary winter clothing to get me through the seasons I am not aware of in my home state of California. But instead, I've been romping around the gorgeous city of San Francisco, trying desperately to hang out with my friends as much as possible. I'll miss you all and I'll miss you too San Francisco. I'm already making plans for things I have to do when I come back, and I haven't even left yet!
Waiting for the bus downtown heading to NORTH BEACH
Outfit-- Lace Dress: Fovever21, Denim Shirt: Thrifted, Booties: London, Bag: Longchamp
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see ya San Francisco. Now don't fret, I'll be back for Thanksgiving!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fuck That, I'm Pursuing Happiness

Sorry I've been on a bit of a hiatus. I might be coming back in a week or so when school starts up. Hamilton New York, here I come!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dora Cups > Styrofoam Cups > Red Plastic Cups

What you need to make a successful impromptu throw-down:

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Wine to enhance the classiness. (With Coke and 4Loco's if you can't handle that much classiness)
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+Styrofoam cups from the sketch corner store down the block. They definitely will work for bp.

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+ Some major cool catsImage Hosted by

+ a bitch fight
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+ cool hosts
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+ some real red cups for some successful (yet not as amusing) bp
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+ plaid + a middle school reunion
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It was a rough night, shit happens. some people can't handle it and end up withering around on the ground. When that happens, you basically know you managed in have a successful impromptu throw down

Outfit: Nude Leotard: AA, Lace Leotard: AA, Black Crop Top: AA, Shorts: Thrifted, Jeans: Cheap Monday, Necklace: SFGC Medallion

Friday, June 18, 2010

Nostalgic Balloons?

So like all of you, schools out. Summer has been treating me wonderfully. I've just been chilling, bumming/tanning in parks, hookahing, shopping like a crazy person, you know everything you wanted to do during the school year but didn't have quite enough time for. I have no job, I have no activities, I'm literally just bumming it. It's awesome. Be Jealous. But nonetheless, I decided to share with you a highlight in my school year. Senior Prank. It was pretty chill. I think we should have a party with hella balloons this summer. It would be even cooler.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Little Sketch of...Song of Style

Song of Style is an amazing blogger from my home city of San Francisco. She was one of the first bloggers I ever found and followed (ie I found her blog in November). Her outfits are always unbelievably cute and she's never scared of adding those short skirts and high heels that we all wish we could pull off. Check out her blog here.
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A sketch I did of Aimee from Song of Style
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Why did you start blogging?
I just wanted to start something where I could document my daily outfits

What are some of the perks of blogging?
Meeting great people and just the whole experience.

What do you think is the importance of bloggers today?
We're just like any other consumers but we have a blog that people read so our voices are more likely to be heard.

What is your greatest style inspiration?
Everything around me.
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Is there a current line that you just wish you could make your wardrobe? A celebrity’s closet you wish you could make your own?
I actually have a lot. I love the Chloe Spring/Summer 2010 collection, Ellery, and I would like to steal Chloe Sevingny's closet.

As a selfish question (being a San Franciscan), do you have any favorite spots you want to share with us?
My favorite place to go is the La Fayette Park with my boyfriend and dog. There is this one spot where u can see the bay and it's gorgeous and very relaxing.
Favorite restaurant has to be this little Mexican restaurant on Geary St.
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Besides fashion, what are you interested in?
Interior Architecture and Architecture. Those are my main passion. I go to school to study Interior Architecture and work at an Architecture firm as an intern.

What are your future goals? Do they involve fashion?
I just want to be a great Interior Architect that designs wonderful and inspiring spaces for people.

Side note: Favorite band?

Any advice for bloggers just getting started?
Just be yourself, be honest and have fun!

And to finish it off… If your shadow had a color, what color would it be?
Neon Pink? Just to be fun?
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Friday, May 21, 2010

I Learned A New Word Today: PRAMA

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So apparently I HAD to have a prom post. So here it is my dearies. The whole process to prom was far far far more stressful than I would have like. The whole date thing, the whole finding a dress thing, the whole prom group, prom dinner, after prom party ALL OF IT was stressful and expensive. I didn't know how to deal with any of it. Honestly, the night before I was chilling with my friend at her house and she told me she had to pick up her boutonniere in the morning. I was like what the hell is that. Apparently, it's the flower you buy for the guy! I had no idea, I didn't buy it clearly. So I had to wake up the morning of prom and call a bunch of flower stores to see if any of them could make me one! It was pretty funny. I was really worried that I wouldn't have fun at prom, but in the end. I had a lot of fun. So YEY! Now, there's really just a countdown until graduation. Holy Crap! I'm excited and terrified and numb and everything you could possibly imagine.
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I had this whole image to wear a light dress with a loose form, but of course I couldn't find it. Instead, I wore this black dress I bought in France last year at my favorite store named Sandro. Dressing it up was a whole other adventure. I was thinking about buying these Louboutin's but instead decided to get these Steve Maddens that were very similar in style but far more reasonable in price. My necklace was from JCrew and my clutch was from Banana Republic. I got my hair done at Edo, this awesome salon in the Lower Haight that gave me the perfect prom do that wasn't too prom-y. I got my make-up done at Bobbi Brown (they were just so nice) and my nails done at Lavande in Cole Valley--that was an experience because I NEVER do my nails. AH!
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Chloe and I and very different dresses. Me with my classic bitch face and chloe ready to appear in her romantic comedy.
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DJ Havoc and the Pack performed
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then we chilled a little bit with them after
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At one point we all shoved up and were like right by the pack. I looked down and waved at someone. I was like HEY MY NAMES RACHEL! Then I looked at him. Hmmm a black guy with grillz and a microphone....YOU'RE IN THE PACK! I tried to ask him where he got his backpack, but the music was too loud to hear what he said
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First and last prom done and over.