Ellie is a sophomore and Spanish-Studio art double major at Colgate University from Armonk, NY. I was wandering through Little Hall, Colgate's Art building and student art gallery, when I saw Ellie's beautiful self-portrait (which is included in the images below). After seeing this, I hunted her down and after a forgotten drunken conversation about doing a post on her, she answered some questions for me....
When did you start getting involved in studio art?
I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. It was never really
something I discovered I liked to do...I just always did it. I took any
and every art class I could fit into my schedule in highschool.
How do you choose your subjects and where do you find your inspiration?
Something different inspires me every day...the subjects I "choose" are
those inspirations that manage to stick in my head and take shape. A
lot of times I get inspirations that slip away.
How has your style changed, especially with your transition from high
school to college? Do you find it difficult to continue with this
interest in college?
My style changes all the time...I like to experiment. And art is what
keeps me afloat at school. I need to produce something outside of and
separate from the essays and tests I am obliged to complete...just being
a student is never enough. We all have ways to escape it...
This was my favorite piece of hers. Love the details and the overall look. Definitely a fan of her pen-work |
Looking at your work, you use many different media. Do you have that you prefer or feel the most comfortable with?
My preferred medium changes pretty regularly. I go through phases.
I personally have not encountered much digital art before. What are
your feelings towards this art form and what do you think can bring to
the artistic world?
Digital art appeals to my obsessive compulsive side...there is something
so pristine and captivating about digital art. Also I sometimes think
this might be the direction I continue in on a professional level in the
future simply because of how realistic it is in our day and age.
Graphic design could be my ticket into thousands of other professions.
I'm excited to see where it can take me and where technology will take
art in the future. It's hard to predict and amazing to think about- like
do you think anyone in electronic music could have predicted Dubstep
ten years ago?
Do you have a favorite artist/artwork?
I don't have a favorite artist but I think I could stare at Van Gogh's "Starry Night" for hours. I'm a sucker for the moon.
Tell us about a current piece you are working on.
I am trying to plan a series of images of moments, including quotes.
Mostly I am basing off of things I overhear and some from my own life.
It's a work in progress but it's looking like it could be similar to the
concepts done by Lichtenstein.
How would you describe style (clothing wise)?
I don't know how to describe my style really. Some people have compared
me to a hippie but I don't think that makes sense....Anyways I like to
wear clothes that I feel both comfortable and attractive in. I don't
have a favorite brand in particular but I have become quite trendy as I
get older to be honest...clothing is fun. I like recreating the styles
of things I see in magazines or catalogs. I love the photography they do
for free people in particular.
What color would your shadow be?
My first thought was to say my shadow would be purple, but my favorite color is blue.
The self-portrait I discovered wandering around |
See more of Ellie's work here on her Flickr