This morning I finally decided to unpack. You know, I figured it was about time since I got back home about 20 days ago. Honestly, I don't know how I survived like that with all those giant bags surrounding my bed for all this time. So after unpacking I came to the conclusion that I am a clothing hoarder. Now if you've ever been my roommate or been to my dorm room this past year, you are probably not all that surprised. After all, I managed to fill a double with all my stuff. That means I had two closets, two sets of drawers,
and I had more plastic containers. But since this was just my room in my mind, that didn't really occur to me as weird. But today, when I finally unpacked I realized that I fully filled up my closet at home. And that was only the clothes I brought back for the summer. I left the majority of my stuff back at school....
So this was my giant epiphany. I am a clothing hoarder. I have an insane amount of clothes. At this point, I was trying to figure out a solution. Get rid of clothing I don't wear enough? Unfortunately, I've discovered that places like Crossroads hates my clothing. They're looking for strangely specific and in trend things. Like, if I had that currently trendy item, why would I be giving it to you? I would be wearing it! And just giving away my clothing to the Philippines like my mom wants me to do doesn't sound so amazing. Like if I'm not going to get any money, why wouldn't I just keep those clothes? It's not like I hate them. My second solution was to stop shopping. But that just a ridiculous proposition. The only real reason that would lessen my shopping would be an economic issue not to reduce my clothing amount. I just always want new things to spruce up my wardrobe. Don't you?
Now at this point, I was just frustrated. I didn't see any solution. And suddenly it came to me. Hi my name is Rachel and I'm a clothing hoarder but I do NOT have a problem. My shopping addiction is not a problem (yet, let's make sure I don't end up in credit card debt due to this addiction). My shopping and clothing hoarding is simply a means to my creativity and personal expression. The real problem is that I do not have enough space. And that is why I have made it my goal that when I am older and have my own place, I will have a beautiful gigantic closet to fit all the clothes of my dreams.

Do you recognize this closet? You should. It belongs to the iconic (although fictional) Carrie Bradshaw. I have to say, it's not too shabby for her apartment as a single women in NYC. Too bad the size of this is essentially the size of an apartment in NYC. But hopefully I'll have a super great paying job straight out of college and I'll be able to afford a whole lot of square footage when I'm in my 20s.
I figured that since I included Carrie Bradshaw, I had to include her all grown up dream closet. I was pretty heartbroken that she didn't end up getting to live in this beautiful apartment after that whole fiasco. But the closet that Big created for her was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. So spacious, polished, and classic. I love the distinct style of the Carrie vs Big size. I also love how her stuff still found their way on his side. The rule should be her stuff gets priority no matter what side it's on.

Now after Oprah got a lovely look into Jcrew's one and only Jenna Lyons closet, I fell in love. This is exactly how my dream closet would be. Quite clearly, this is more than a wall-in-closet. This is a living room centered around clothing. And it makes me wonder why living room isn't focused on clothing. Like why would we ever center an entire room around a TV? Ok, actually now that I've written that I really hope she has a TV in there. I would love that. And a big comfy sofa. Like a big comfy chic sofa so it still fits into this lovely decor. I also love how the bookshelves contain shoes instead of books. The beautiful heels are reasonable replacements for beautiful spines.
Speaking of shoes. I love this cubby approach. This way every shoe has a home! Plus, it is just such a organized and clean looking approach.
I didn't expect Kate Bosworth to have such a beautiful closet for some reason. But it's honestly gorgeous, although the color pallet of the spring/summer season probably helped the photo out. I particularly enjoy her truck in the background. I'm in love with trucks. Maybe I'll do another Daydreaming segment on them soon
I obviously wouldn't mind if I could just take the entirety of Teen Vogue's closet. They can leave the clothes, I really don't mind.
Ultimately I'll just have to make a weird amount of money or marry rich to obtain this closet and all the beautiful clothes that would deserve a place in such a classy room. But a girl can daydream right?